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Twenties: Facebook friends

I’m not a big fan of Facebook. Hands down I think even fan is a stretch, I resent it. Facebook is a bulky platform designed for shifting old mattresses and a forum for village complaints about what goes in the purple bin. Least of all would I expect to make a friend on Facebook.

Friendships come in unlikely packages, and often creep up on you in ways you weren’t expecting. This one took me by surprise. I applied for a room in a house with people who were not even at the same university as me. Bold move. I told a lie as I thought they’d think of me as weird for living on my own. Rookie error. Trying to make yourself sound normal over a text message is really hard.

We met and had coffee, the number of similar interests was striking. I think the house mate must have thought I was trying to copy her, mirror her interests to get the room. We like running, rowing, paddle boarding, work in social media, like being creative, etc. The parallels were striking. An hour after parting ways she offered me the room, and with guilt consuming me I confessed I had lied about where I live. She was very forgiving, albeit probably left with the parting thought that I was confusing. I signed and paid. They found a house mate and got to stay in the same property, I had a room for next year. Done deal.

For the next year we spoke sporadically and met up for coffee occasionally. It was frequent and infrequent all at the same time, learning more about each others lives over an americano and a smoothie. It was a good relationship because we knew we’d be living together, but nothing substantial.

Just before moving in I wondered was this the right thing, did they really need me in this house? Would I ruin the dynamic? She couldn't have been nicer but I’m a worrier. (Whenever my parents call my assumption is someone of the extended family is dead.)

But I moved in and everything changed. My room mates are nice, but the one who was intial my Facebook friend is a whole lot more than I could ever have expected. She is one of the purest, funniest, most genuine people in my life and I’d be lost without her. The vibes are immaculate, judgment doesn’t exist but honesty does. Facebook friends can be true friends, it just takes a while and no assumptions.