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Lost thoughts: the joys of being 7

Tonight we made cola slush puppies, played monopoly, watched the nativity, danced, did chocolate fondue, played hide and seek, emulated WWE and caught up on police interceptors. Being seven or ten is a good age, but who says that all has to stop then.

There is no logic or reason to what we did this evening, no plan or order or even expectation. But somehow it all just works. It was whatever the heart desires. I like that attitude and maybe it’s something we all need to embrace more in life. Letting go of the planning and the waiting and the yearning and just whole heartedly throwing yourself into whatever it is you want to try and do. Genuinely dance like no one’s watching because generally no one ever is. Fact of life. I like the spontaneity and the fun in the chaotic and the mundane.

When did it become not socially acceptable to sleep with a dog in your room or wear odd socks. Try and do what you love every day because a seven year old certainly does.