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Lost thoughts: Sand timer

I can’t help but thinking am I getting ahead of myself. This year I have quite set ideas about what I’d like to do. It’s more in the sense of having jobs abroad for a couple of months, this is the first time I’ve had time to do these things. Therefore because I will have time at the back end of this year to fit in these things, it seems logical to do them now. Doesn’t it?

Now I don’t know. Because I will do them at some point. They’ll come if I really want to do them and there’s absolutely no age limit on what I’m doing. So that could come next. Maybe it’s a better approach to wait and see what comes up. Approach the adventure for what it is now and what it could be in the future. Instead of planning every set detail with timings, see what comes up.

Yes it’s true you miss every opportunity you don’t take a shot at. But maybe you also miss an opportunity for everything you commit to. Par in relationships, just because you have one thing doesn’t mean you can’t have another. It doesn’t stop you applying and exploring and reaching for more. Embracing the last minute and the crazy and the normal but unexpected.

I think I’m closing myself off from reaching higher. Like most, I think of something I could do, then I latch on to that as an opportunity and assume I couldn’t do more or go beyond that. That’s okay, but what about everything else you could try. Sometimes the path is more exciting when you step off the path and see where it takes you. That’s not my quote I’m stealing it if it is one. Resolution for this year is to plan less, dance in the rain more and explore what is sometimes not so obvious. You want to be challenged sometimes.